First off, if you have stumbled across this article and you do not yet know what the Salesforce Lightning Experience is, please check out our post What is Salesforce Lightning?
With a firm understanding of the Lightning Experience in hand, the next question is “are you currently using the Salesforce Lightning Experience?” If the answer is “yes” then read no further as the Readiness Check is not for you.
The Salesforce Lightning Experience Readiness Check assists Salesforce Classic customers, especially those with fully built / complex instances, map out their transition to the new Lightning interface. The Readiness Check is a tool provided by Salesforce to indicate how ready a specific Salesforce Classic environment is to make the move to Lightning.
You access the Salesforce Lightning Readiness Check by going into the setup menu of your Salesforce Classic environment.
From there in the upper left, you can find the Lightning Experience Migration Assistant “Get Started” button.
The Lightning Experience Migration Assistant page is an excellent source of information about all things Lightning conversion. You should take some time to explore if you have not already done so.
When ready, choose the second tab called “Check Readiness”.
Upon clicking “Check Readiness,” you may be asked to grant permission for the Salesforce Lightning Experience Readiness Tool to have access to your environment. It’s essential that you grant permission for the tool to have access to the information it needs to build your report.
You will then choose if you would like to assess Sales or Service Cloud. Which you choose, depends on what you are currently using in your Salesforce environment. If you are using both, don’t stress, the system allows you to check both Sales and Service in one go.
Once you have made your cloud selections, you are ready to “Check Readiness”. Once pressed the readiness check process will begin, and you will see the following screen.
Once the Salesforce Lightning Experience Readiness Check completes, you can expect to receive the “Lightning Experience Readiness: Review your report” email with an example shown below.
The Lightning Readiness Report is a PDF document that comes attached to the system generated email sent by Salesforce that that covers the following topics:
Why Move to Lightning Experience?
Increase your sales win rates by 21% Increase your sales team’s lead conversion rate by 22% Increase your sales team’s productivity and collaboration by 41%
Your Rollout Effort – an estimate on the investment in hours required for the active features in your Salesforce environment broken down by Technical Hours and Change Management Hours.
How Do I Use This Report – a helpful checklist of tasks to assist in your Lightning Experience rollout
1. Review your Readiness Report 2. Get some support 3. Engage your stakeholders 4. Identify your Lightning Experience champion 5. Enable Lightning Experience for your champion 6. Let your champion fly 7. Get Feedback from your champion 8. Create a rollout plan 9. Prepare for phase 1 of your rollout 10. Launch phase 1 of your rollout
Which Users Are Ready – a breakdown by User profiles of the readiness to move to the Lightning Experience.
Which Features Are Ready – a report table providing the Lightning Experience migration readiness by Salesforce feature. An example is shown below.
Readiness Details – an incredibly helpful breakdown of Salesforce features that require additional attention during the migration and the specific steps required to address the issues. You can see an example of the very common migration issue Custom Buttons and Links- URLs below.
What you discover by running the readiness report will most likely determine the next steps that you take. For most users of Salesforce, following the migration steps as laid out by the How Do I Use This Report, will lead to a successful migration to Lightning. While there will be some hard work necessary to complete the migration, Salesforce has invested heavily in alleviating the barriers to adoption and reducing the heavy lifting.
If you are still intimidated by the move to Lightning, you have several options. In addition to the Readiness Report email, you will most likely receive a second email from Salesforce offering a Scheduled Consultation. For many, a 30-minute conversation directly with Salesforce is an excellent way to kick off this process. You may also want to check out the Salesforce Trailhead trail; Getting Started with Lightning Experience.
If you are still struggling to deploy Salesforce lightning or you have questions, then please reach out CloudMasonry at